Hi, it’s Stephanie Yetman here your Newfoundland Homes Expert with Blue Chip Realty, and if you’re thinking about putting your house up for sale in the next few months here’s 6 things you can do to help sell faster and hopefully get more money..
First on the list is to get rid of the clutter in your home. If you don’t need it or it’s broken then throw it out or donate it. Then, start packing up all the knick knacks. Keep the floors clean, windows open to light, and countertops free.
Second, prepack what you can. Since you’ll be moving when the house sells, get a headstart on the packing when you start to declutter. Then, go a little further by packing away books, seasonal clothes and even kitchen items not regularly used.
The next thing is to do a double deep clean. Set the furniture in a way that stages the home in the most inviting way. When I meet with you I can give you some great ideas about this. Once everything is moved and put away, you can see exactly what needs to be cleaned. Spend the time to get everything to sparkle and carpets deep cleaned.
The fourth thing, if you're selling a home in Carbonear or surrounding area -- add some fresh paint, which is the easiest and most cost-effective way to freshen up a room. The key is to stick with neutral colors and focus on the main living spaces where people will get their first emotional impression as they walk in the rooms.
The fifth thing you can do is take care of the yard. Spend some time to increase the curb appeal of your home. Keep the lawns mowed, get rid of weeds, trim hedges, trees or bushes, and make sure you can see all the front windows from the street.
And the 6th and final thing you can do is to follow your realtor’s advice. I see a lot of homes every single day and know what will help your home sell quickly. So when I do a walk-through on your home I can help you prioritize what needs to be done. Then, we can have a discussion about what you can and cannot do so we address it in the sales strategy.
If you’d like some help to see what you could do with your home so it sells quicker and for more money, then send me a message and let’s connect.
How? By email, text, instant message or entering 597-5789 into your phone and pressing the send button.
Let's talk.
Have a great day!
Kindest Regards,
Stephanie Yetman
Blue Chip Realty Inc.
P.O. Box 775 Stn Main
Carbonear, NL
A1Y 1C3
Email: stephanie[at]BlueChipRealty[dot]com
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